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- /*
- ** $VER: cybergraphics.h 41.18 (21.02.1998)
- **
- ** include file for cybergraphics.library
- **
- ** Copyright © 1996-1998 by phase5 digital products
- ** All Rights reserved.
- **
- */
- #include <utility/tagitem.h>
- #endif
- #include <graphics/displayinfo.h>
- #endif
- #define CYBERGFXNAME "cybergraphics.library"
- /* *
- * Definition of CyberModeNode (Returned in AllocModeList) *
- * */
- struct CyberModeNode
- {
- struct Node Node;
- char ModeText[DISPLAYNAMELEN]; /* name for this mode */
- ULONG DisplayID; /* display id associated with the node */
- UWORD Width; /* visible width */
- UWORD Height; /* visible height */
- UWORD Depth; /* display depth */
- struct TagItem *DisplayTagList; /* taglist with extended ModeID information */
- };
- /* *
- * Parameters for GetCyberMapAttr() *
- * */
- #define CYBRMATTR_XMOD (0x80000001) /* function returns BytesPerRow if its called with this parameter */
- #define CYBRMATTR_BPPIX (0x80000002) /* BytesPerPixel shall be returned */
- #define CYBRMATTR_DISPADR (0x80000003) /* do not use this ! private tag */
- #define CYBRMATTR_PIXFMT (0x80000004) /* the pixel format is returned */
- #define CYBRMATTR_WIDTH (0x80000005) /* returns width in pixels */
- #define CYBRMATTR_HEIGHT (0x80000006) /* returns height in lines */
- #define CYBRMATTR_DEPTH (0x80000007) /* returns bits per pixel */
- #define CYBRMATTR_ISCYBERGFX (0x80000008) /* returns -1 if supplied bitmap is a cybergfx one */
- #define CYBRMATTR_ISLINEARMEM (0x80000009) /* returns -1 if supplied bitmap is linear accessable */
- /* *
- * Parameters for GetCyberIDAttr() *
- * */
- #define CYBRIDATTR_PIXFMT (0x80000001) /* the pixel format is returned */
- #define CYBRIDATTR_WIDTH (0x80000002) /* returns visible width in pixels */
- #define CYBRIDATTR_HEIGHT (0x80000003) /* returns visible height in lines */
- #define CYBRIDATTR_DEPTH (0x80000004) /* returns bits per pixel */
- #define CYBRIDATTR_BPPIX (0x80000005) /* BytesPerPixel shall be returned */
- /* *
- * Tags for CyberModeRequest() *
- * */
- #define CYBRMREQ_TB (TAG_USER+0x40000)
- /* *
- * FilterTags *
- * */
- #define CYBRMREQ_MinDepth (CYBRMREQ_TB+0) /* Minimum depth for displayed screenmode */
- #define CYBRMREQ_MaxDepth (CYBRMREQ_TB+1) /* Maximum depth " " " */
- #define CYBRMREQ_MinWidth (CYBRMREQ_TB+2) /* Minumum width " " " */
- #define CYBRMREQ_MaxWidth (CYBRMREQ_TB+3) /* Maximum width " " " */
- #define CYBRMREQ_MinHeight (CYBRMREQ_TB+4) /* Minumum height " " " */
- #define CYBRMREQ_MaxHeight (CYBRMREQ_TB+5) /* Minumum height " " " */
- #define CYBRMREQ_CModelArray (CYBRMREQ_TB+6)
- #define CYBRMREQ_WinTitle (CYBRMREQ_TB+20)
- #define CYBRMREQ_OKText (CYBRMREQ_TB+21)
- #define CYBRMREQ_CancelText (CYBRMREQ_TB+22)
- #define CYBRMREQ_Screen (CYBRMREQ_TB+30) /* Screen you wish the Requester to open on */
- /* *
- * Tags for BestCyberModeID() *
- * */
- #define CYBRBIDTG_TB (TAG_USER+0x50000)
- /* FilterTags */
- #define CYBRBIDTG_Depth (CYBRBIDTG_TB+0)
- #define CYBRBIDTG_NominalWidth (CYBRBIDTG_TB+1)
- #define CYBRBIDTG_NominalHeight (CYBRBIDTG_TB+2)
- #define CYBRBIDTG_MonitorID (CYBRBIDTG_TB+3)
- #define CYBRBIDTG_BoardName (CYBRBIDTG_TB+5)
- /* *
- * definition of divers pixel formats *
- * */
- #define PIXFMT_LUT8 (0UL)
- #define PIXFMT_RGB15 (1UL)
- #define PIXFMT_BGR15 (2UL)
- #define PIXFMT_RGB15PC (3UL)
- #define PIXFMT_BGR15PC (4UL)
- #define PIXFMT_RGB16 (5UL)
- #define PIXFMT_BGR16 (6UL)
- #define PIXFMT_RGB16PC (7UL)
- #define PIXFMT_BGR16PC (8UL)
- #define PIXFMT_RGB24 (9UL)
- #define PIXFMT_BGR24 (10UL)
- #define PIXFMT_ARGB32 (11UL)
- #define PIXFMT_BGRA32 (12UL)
- #define PIXFMT_RGBA32 (13UL)
- /* *
- * SrcRectangle formats defines for xxxPixelArray calls() *
- * */
- #define RECTFMT_RGB (0UL)
- #define RECTFMT_RGBA (1UL)
- #define RECTFMT_ARGB (2UL)
- #define RECTFMT_LUT8 (3UL)
- #define RECTFMT_GREY8 (4UL)
- /* *
- * Parameters for CVideoCtrlTagList() *
- * */
- #define SETVC_DPMSLevel (0x88002001)
- #define DPMS_ON (0UL) /* Full operation */
- #define DPMS_STANDBY (1UL) /* Optional state of minimal power reduction */
- #define DPMS_SUSPEND (2UL) /* Significant reduction of power consumption */
- #define DPMS_OFF (3UL) /* Lowest level of power consumption */
- /* *
- * Tags for LockBitMapTagList() *
- * */
- #define LBMI_WIDTH (0x84001001)
- #define LBMI_HEIGHT (0x84001002)
- #define LBMI_DEPTH (0x84001003)
- #define LBMI_PIXFMT (0x84001004)
- #define LBMI_BYTESPERPIX (0x84001005)
- #define LBMI_BYTESPERROW (0x84001006)
- #define LBMI_BASEADDRESS (0x84001007)
- /* *
- * Tags for UnLockBitMapTagList() *
- * */
- #define UBMI_UPDATERECTS (0x85001001)
- #define UBMI_REALLYUNLOCK (0x85001002)
- /* *
- * Message passed to the DoCDrawMethodTagList() hook function *
- * */
- struct CDrawMsg
- {
- APTR cdm_MemPtr;
- ULONG cdm_offx;
- ULONG cdm_offy;
- ULONG cdm_xsize;
- ULONG cdm_ysize;
- UWORD cdm_BytesPerRow;
- UWORD cdm_BytesPerPix;
- UWORD cdm_ColorModel;
- };
- /* *
- * Colour Table source formats for WriteLUTPixelArray() *
- * */
- #define CTABFMT_XRGB8 (0UL) /* ULONG [] table */
- /* *
- * graphics.library/AllocBitMap() extended flags *
- * */
- #define BMB_SPECIALFMT (7UL)
- #endif /* BMB_SPECIALFMT */
- #define SHIFT_PIXFMT( fmt ) (((ULONG)(fmt)) << 24UL)